A_Warning_for_Doberman Owners_1_Crazy_Posture_Secret

A Warning for Doberman Owners: #1 Crazy Posture Secret

by Amy Arthur  - July 1, 2024

Disclaimer: We share our opinion only and none of our content should be considered fact, lawful, legal, or medical advice. Your results are in no way guaranteed and will depend on several factors including your willingness to plan ahead, study and train.
Doberman owners beware. Your beloved canine will judge you by your posture. Don't believe me? Delve into this fascinating rabbit hole to find out why. In short, you'll discover 4 reasons that'll expose this vastly overlooked secret and how to maximize it.

Have we met?

Your topic for today: Doberman owners and the secret behind your posture.

Alice in Wonderland

“‘Have I gone mad?’ ‘I am afraid so, you are entirely bonkers. but I will tell you a secret… all the best people are.‘”


Hello, my name is Amy Arthur. Your Doberman breeder and guide. My goal is to help you determine compatibility and gain the confidence that you would require in order comfortably handle this unique breed.

Above all, your ability to understand the psychology behind the Doberman's needs is a crucial element for excellent ownership. My gift to you, sharing everything I know about them. Indeed, no one should have to rely on blind google searches to uncover the Doberman's secrets.

A Warning for Doberman Owners: #1 Crazy Posture Secret

Video Chapters: 

00:08 - About the author
00:27 - Summary
00:43 - How your posture impacts your Doberman's perception of you
01:47 - A submissive dog slumps. Dogs communicate with body language
02:27 - Your stance affects your emotions
02:59 - Looks Matter (this is not what you think)
3:25 - Dobermans will look for the leader in their pack (and the psychology behind it)
4:16 - the deeper power of posture
5:09 - from slumping to strutting, how posture can influence your confidence
5:36 - exposing yourself to accepting criticism
5:52 - blocking unnecessary negativity
6:05 - this can make you smarter or dumber
6:19 - if you've got depression or anxiety
7:17 - the sacred responsibility of Doberman owners


Doberman Owners: How does your posture impact your canine's perception of you?

Foundationally, a submissive dog slumps. Certainly, that is just the beginning. Likewise, a straight back isn't just a matter of standing taller. In effect, as a Doberman owner, you've got to feel it on the inside as well.

To explain, when you feel confident, you look confident. Accordingly, confidence doesn't just come from the certainty that you will be respected. In truth, it comes from the determination that, no matter what your own inadequacies, you will overcome.

As promised, here are the 4 biggest posture busters that you've been looking for. (Exclusively for Doberman owners.)

Side Note: Read to the end if you want to unlock the power behind utilizing this revelation to its fullest.

(No matter your height or looks. Even if you are wheel chair bound.)


A submissive slumps

From the beginning, dogs communicate with their body. Markedly, their "spoken word" is hidden within the way they move. Likewise, this is especially applicable when they're interacting with you. To explain, your Doberman will "read" you by the way in which you carry yourself. Furthermore, submissive dogs will slink and do what they can to make themselves appear smaller. In contrast, the alpha and leader of the pack will stand tall in order to project authority.

Doberman owners


Your stance impacts your emotions

On the other hand, "Fake it till you make it." has real meaning. In fact, a recent study by several experts reflect the truths behind this statement. In summary, the mere act of smiling has the power to help you feel happier. Subsequently, standing proud and tall when walking or interacting with your Doberman can improve your training abilities and their receptiveness. Even on your worst days.

Doberman owners


Looks Matter

Don't get me wrong. This isn't about beauty. What I'm referring to is called in the military world, "A show of force." Consider the Hawk Moth caterpillar. When threatened, it will puff itself up to mimic the look of a snake's head. By that same token, when you conduct yourself with a straight back and a proud gait, your Doberman is likely to notice and take you more seriously.

Doberman owners


Actions speak louder than words

Above all, Dobermans were bred to ensure that their family is secure. This quest begins with the location of a strong leader. As a Doberman owner, if you project a weak outlook towards your dog, your Doberman will feel the need to step in as leader for the safety of the "pack." (Which is not good for lasting obedience.) Subsequently, when you look and talk like a leader, your Doberman is more likely to find that sense of structure that it seeks. As a result, your dog is likely to follow your commands more efficiently. By that same token, you can connect to your beloved canine on a deeper level when you become aware that your feelings towards your Doberman can be reflected in their behavior. 

Doberman owners

You Shall Not Pass!

Doberman Owner's eCourse: Are you prepared to enter into the World of Psychology for this Unique Breed?

The Power of Posture: How Your Mindset Influences Your Stance


I think, therefore I am.

This has got to be one of the most iconic quotes out there. Believe it or not, as a Doberman owner, it is directly applicable. While there can be many interpretations of that statement, look at it from this standpoint: your thoughts make you what you are and are reflected in your actions. To clarify, this statement isn't about just existing. It is about grasping the endless possibilities of your existence and molding it into whatever it is that you wish your life to be like.

Accordingly, what you feel and think on the inside is exactly reflected on the outside in the way your body moves and can be read by your Doberman.


From Slumping to Strutting: How Posture Can Transform Your Confidence

Doberman owners

Conversely, on the days where you are at your lowest, the way that you carry yourself can function as your own doorway to life's greatest conquests. To explain, the mere act of holding a good posture and straightening your back during times that you feel: attacked by others, overwhelmed, stressed, or even just daunted can have a major impact on your ability to overcome.

Think of it this way: when your shoulders are slumped and your head is down, you are telling yourself that you are at the bottom of the totem pole. As a result, your body takes this as an order to submit to whatever abuses you come across during that time. This can make it much harder for you to respond effectively.

Conversely, when you hold your head up high and take the posture of a king, you signal to your subconscious that you are worthy of respect. As a result, you are better able to decide for yourself which criticisms you will be accepting or rejecting.

Fun Fact: You are 31% smarter when you place yourself in a positive state. Conversely, your ability to think is 31% hindered when you are in a negative frame of mind.

For the Weak at Heart

Equally important, if you are an aspiring Doberman owner that suffers from anxiety or depression and are looking for the love and emotional support that Dobermans bring, you are worthy!

Critically, you can own a Doberman and be vulnerable to the world. To be clear, your level of confidence and self-pride need only start with your relationship between you and your beloved canine. Let them buffer the pains of the world and do not let your own insecurities stop you from the unique love of a Doberman.

Likewise, if you'd like to learn more about what it takes to own a Doberman, please check out my eCourse.

Doberman Owners: Don't Let This Be The End

Congratulations! You've stumbled onto a rare concept that is as old as time. Please take it to heart and apply it to your everyday life. As Doberman owners, we hold a sacred responsibility to do everything we can for our dog's contentment and happiness.

Lastly, if you've found value in this article, please leave a comment below and share with your friends.

End Your Read with a Cuteness Overload!

Help me welcome our only 2024 litter. 6 boys and 5 girls.

Doberman Owners



Amy Arthur

I breed, train, conduct personality tests, and find homes for work and service grade purebred Doberman Pinscher canines. Preparing these dogs for life as an excellent quality family pet or service canine requires a lot of work, dedication and experience. My children, the dogs, and my farm are my life. When I'm not taking care of them, I'm expanding my knowledge and working on ways to improve their lives.

  • Great post! I enjoyed reading it and learned a lot. Your writing style is engaging and easy to follow, and the information you provided was very helpful. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and expertise on this topic. Keep up the good work.

  • Great article! I learned so much from it. Your in-depth analysis and thoughtful insights were very helpful. I appreciate the effort you put into writing this and sharing it with us. Thank you for your hard work and dedication to providing valuable content.

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