Hurricane Helene Conspiracy Theory: Do you see the writing on the wall? Never in history have our people been in more danger. Let me explain why.
Hurricane Helene Conspiracy Theory: Warning to the People
Be aware of your surroundings and the situation you’re in at all times. Be the one in control. Look each person you pass in the eye. Listen to their footsteps walking away behind you. Note the inanimate objects near you. Think about how things can be used for purposes other than what they were designed for. Above all else, think.
Wayne Stinnett
Alarmingly, if Hurricane Helene and other recent events haven't gotten you on the edge of your seat and alert, now's the time to start. Foundationally, let me take note that the death toll is more than what is being reported. That the help offered, is less than what is being reported. In fact, help is being hindered by FEMA. More so, it doesn't take a conspiracy theorist to see the suffering that has been inflicted and wonder what this chaotic world has in store for us next.
Side Note: What does Hurricane Helene have to do with getting a Doberman? For those that are impatient, I'll tell you right now. For those that are smart, I encourage you to read this entire article because there are things I'm going to tell you that I'm literally taking a personal risk in exposing. Things that, if you would listen to me, could quite possibly save your life. No exaggeration.
Why you need a Doberman NOW
In short, Tackleberry Doberman do more than just to provide companionship. They function as a deterrent, alarm, and a delay for danger all in one. Accordingly, they are the only breed in the entire world specifically designed to protect people, not just property.
To expound, illegals and criminals are on the rise. Taking advantage of every damaging event and thriving off of kidnapping, stealing, and targeting the vulnerable. Above all, they are cowards looking for easy targets. Likewise, just the mere presence of a Doberman can prevent an attack.
Topic: Hurricane Helene Conspiracy Theory

By that same token, if something does happen, a Doberman's protective and intelligent personality can alert you of the danger. And lastly, stand as a delay to the threat, giving you the critical time needed to react appropriately.
First, if you haven't read my articles discussing the liability of owning a Doberman and the importance of cropped ears, I strongly suggest you read them now. Believe it or not, they're directly related to this topic.
Second, in the wake of Hurricane Helene, having seen the immense amount of suffering caused, the lack of help that was provided, and having personally experienced attacks upon my own family, my hesitancy for speaking out about it is overcome by my desire to save lives.
Topic: Hurricane Helene Conspiracy Theory
Have we met?

Hello, my name is Amy Arthur. Your Doberman breeder and guide. My goal is to help you determine compatibility and gain the confidence that you would require in order comfortably handle this unique breed.
Above all, your ability to understand the psychology behind the Doberman's needs is a crucial element for excellent ownership. My gift to you, sharing everything I know about them. Indeed, no one should have to rely on blind google searches to uncover the Doberman's secrets.
Hurricane Helene Conspiracy Theory: A What?
What hurricane Helene conspiracy theory? To this I have more questions than answers. As we all should. To expound, there is a lot about it that doesn't make any sense. Likewise, I won't make claims to something that I do not have absolute proof of. On the other hand, I can tell you that it is obvious that:
- Natural disasters are on the rise
- Our economy is a house of cards
- Our leadership is weak and our country is vulnerable
- Our freedoms are under attack and genocide is a real threat
Accordingly, Dobermans can sense danger. If you will pay attention to their behavior, they can warn you when something bad is about to happen. Again, they can prevent it from happening and they can serve as a priceless guardian.
In conclusion, now is the time to put your family's safety in mind. To be prepared for whatever chaotic events this crazy world has in store for us. Be it a false conspiracy, intentional or otherwise. The fact is that danger is around the corner and you need a Doberman by your side NOW to help you stop it from advancing.
Why the Hurricane Helene Conspiracy topic?
Above all, I will probably lose more followers by sharing my concerns than anything else. Additionally, I was not exaggerating when I said that I'm putting myself at risk for speaking out.
To explain, my husband was taken from our family for doing that exact thing. After decades of risking his life serving our country, always following the law of the land, they twisted his words and crucified him as a "domestic terrorist" simply for teaching others how to defend their home. He was sentenced to 25 years in prison just for using his voice.
Since then, he has suffered solitary confinement, health depravation, nutritional deficiencies, and much more. He's endured unlawful things at the hands of our own government, things that I thought you'd never see happen on American soil. And yet, they have and are happening. And we aren't the only ones. Likewise, within the walls of those prisons, he's met others who have been ripped from their family and jailed for things as trivial as having "too many guns" or, with Jan 6th, being too close to the wrong building on the wrong day.
That alone should alarm you.
To be brutally honest, this piece comes out of frustration. To explain, I have wonderful Doberman puppies with true potential in need of a loving home. Likewise, they are are all that I have left from my husband's work in helping people defend their homes. In my efforts to place them appropriately, I've come across so many that are just waiting for the perfect timing to get one. News flash: in waiting, they may not be there tomorrow when you need them the most. Critically, if you have the means to care for a Doberman, then you need to be getting one NOW. Not next year.
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