One Of a Kind Elite
The Doberman is one of the most unique breeds in the entire world. They are the only dogs specifically designed for the protection of people, and not just property. As a result, they are large in stature, very smart, extraordinarily agile, energetic and loving. Consequently, I often tell prospective Doberman owners that their pros double as their cons.
For example, in order to fulfill their designed role as a protector of people, it is critical that Dobermans are confident, intelligent, energetic, large, look intimidating, and have the teeth to back it up. On the other hand, this can make them headstrong, difficult to control, and daunting for those that do not know how to handle such an incredible canine.

While personality plays a key factor in a Doberman's behavior, your own demeanor, body language, and overall confidence level has a drastic impact on this particular breed. To explain, due to their high intelligence level, Dobermans can instantly pick up on your attitude towards them and will respond accordingly. This response will vary with the personality of each Doberman. However, whether your Doberman is confident or timid and shy, the way you feel and behave towards them will directly impact your Doberman's actions.
The Secret Behind Attitude
Foundationally, being an excellent Doberman owner means having the knowledge and subsequent confidence in your ability to handle one.

Whether you believe you can do a thing or not, you are right. - Henry Ford
A successful Doberman owner fulfills three fundamental roles:

Sounds like a lot, right?
Don't worry. By the time that you've completed this course, you should feel at ease and confident. Excited even. In fact, if you haven't already, once you've owned a Doberman, you'll find yourself totally addicted to the breed.
Maximize Your Doberman's Potential
In this course, you'll discover all you need to be an excellent Doberman owner:
What this course is NOT
While this course provides a strong foundation for the training of your Doberman, this is not a training course for dogs.
Fundamentally, this course was created to prepare the mindset of you (the owner) needed in order to handle a Doberman. Call it, if you will, people training for canines.
Important: I encourage you to stay active throughout this program. Send me emails. Leave comments. Tell me what you're thinking. By regularly participating throughout each lesson, you will learn faster, retain what you've been taught more deeply, and encourage others to voice their needs or thoughts as well.
"You must cry out if you want help. It is no use whatsoever to suffer in silence. Who will succour the drowning man if he does not clamour for his life?" - Kamala Markandaya
Do you dream of owning a Doberman but wonder if you've got what it takes to handle one?
Do you own a Doberman and worry that you may be the cause of problematic behavior?
Discover what you need to know in order to care for one with confidence even if it is a puppy or an adult.

Let's get started!