

by Amy Arthur  - July 15, 2024

Disclaimer: We share our opinion only and none of our content should be considered fact, lawful, legal, or medical advice. Your results are in no way guaranteed and will depend on several factors including your willingness to plan ahead, study and train.
Buck is a registered Doberman Pinscher under Tackleberry Solutions

Welcome to Buck's personal profile page. This page will stay with Buck for as long as Tackleberry Dobermans' exists and can be used to keep track of his bloodline and/or feature his personality/accomplishments. Simply send us the information and we will update his page as he grows. This includes profile pictures, accomplishments, personality, videos and more. 

Now you can show off your superstar with their own page!

What Makes Buck Special

  • Born: 5/6/2024
  • Raised in a litter or 11
  • Male
  • Black & Rust
  • Breeder: Amy Arthur

Financing Available

ID Breakdown

Buck and what his ID indicates: P2.11Z

  • P = Mother is Patricia
  • 2 = Patricia's 2nd litter
  • 11 = Puppy's unique number
  • Z = Father is Zeus

Buck's Personality

Meet Buck, the companionable Doberman with a very connecting nature.

Buck is looking for someone to bond with. He has a focus on his handler and has shown more interest in playing with the people around him than he does wandering off to explore.

Buck took his test on 6/24/2024 and ultimately scored a C.

Foundationally, Buck shows potential to be an excellent deterrent for criminals within a family lifestyle. To explain, as a male Doberman, Buck will be larger than most females and can exhibit a proud aura of confidence and protection.

By that same token, considering that most criminals are searching for an easy target, they'll be less likely to try anything with you or your family so long as Buck is nearby.

More on Grade C Personalities

A puppy that continues to develop with this personality score is likely to be friendly but cautious towards strangers and visitors. While they would not be recommended for military or law enforcement, they do show potential as excellent family protectors.

As a result, a personality score of this type would be ideal for those looking for protection but not wanting to have to worry so much about establishing authority. 

However, because of their slightly more timid nature, socializing is going to be needed more extensively.

Health Info

More pictures of Buck



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Amy Arthur

I breed, train, conduct personality tests, and find homes for work and service grade purebred Doberman Pinscher canines. Preparing these dogs for life as an excellent quality family pet or service canine requires a lot of work, dedication and experience. My children, the dogs, and my farm are my life. When I'm not taking care of them, I'm expanding my knowledge and working on ways to improve their lives.

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